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Foster & Homeless Youth Services

Amy Dunlap

Foster & Homeless Youth Liaison
Evergreen Elementary School
416 Evergreen Lane,
Yreka, CA 96097
(530) 842-4912

Gold Street School
321 North Gold Street,
Yreka, CA 96097
(530) 842-1002

Stacy Fussell

Foster & Homeless Youth Liaison
Jackson Street School
405 Jackson Street,
Yreka, CA 96097
(530) 842-3561

Yreka Union School District recognizes that foster and homeless youth are our most vulnerable students, and as such they may require additional interventions and supports to ensure their academic and personal success. The goal of the YUSD Foster and Homeless Youth Education Program is to provide students with support services such as educational planning, personal mentoring, academic goal setting, and community networking. Our program works in collaboration with school personnel and community service agencies to maximize access to various educational, social, and enrichment programs that promote academic success and student achievement. Our mission is to support foster and homeless youth pursue their educational endeavors!