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Mission & Philosophy


It is the mission of the Yreka Union School District to provide each student with a safe, caring and supportive atmosphere which will foster the intellectual, emotional, and social growth necessary to become a productive and responsible citizen who accepts cultural differences. All parents, students, teachers and staff are part of a supportive team helping children develop personal, educational, social and ethical values.


Bullying Incident Report

Please note: Anonymous reports are accepted however they must provide sufficient evidence to justify the commencement of an investigation. Formal disciplinary action may not be based solely on an anonymous complaint.

Click the button below to report a bullying incident.

Report bullying

YUSD Comprehensive School Safety Plans

On September 27, 2018, Governor Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 1747 School Safety Plans. You will find AB 1747External link opens in new window or tab. on the California Legislative Information web page. Key provisions of California Education Code (EC) include requiring local educational agencies (LEAs) and the California Department of Education (CDE) to include and post requirements for new content and procedures in the Comprehensive School Safety Plans (CSSPs), which have been implemented.

The law requires the California Department of Education (CDE) to develop and post on its website best practices for reviewing and approving school safety plans. In 2020–21 the CDE implemented a statewide survey of local educational agencies (LEAs), school safety administrators, and stakeholders to gather information on current practices, challenges, and resources to assist in developing this content. The state and federal guidance and resources below are provided to assist LEAs in reviewing and approving Comprehensive School Safety Plans (CSSPs). Guidance includes recommendations from the California State Auditor (CSA) Report 2016-136 School Violence Prevention. The CSA Report 2016-136 School Violence Prevention can be found on the CSA’s web pageExternal link opens in new window or tab..

The California Constitution guarantees California children the right to attend public schools that are safe, secure, and peaceful. The CDE, public school districts, county offices of education (COEs), and schools and their personnel are responsible for creating learning environments that are safe and secure. First responders, community partners, and families play an essential role, as well. Schools must be prepared to respond to emergencies including natural and man-made hazards, and strive to prevent violence and behavior issues that undermine safety and security. CSSPs include strategies aimed at the prevention of, and education about, potential incidents involving crime and violence on the school campus and aspects of social, emotional, and physical safety for both youth and adults.



YUSD Comprehensive Safety Plan (CSSP) is available upon request. Please contact the Office of Superintendent with the information below:

Yreka Union School District Office
309 Jackson Street
Yreka, CA 96097
Phone: (530) 842-1168
Fax: (530) 842-4576

News & Announcements

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break

November 23rd to December 1st

Back to School December 2nd!

Christmas Break

Christmas Break

December 21st to January 5th.

Back to School 01-06-2025!

Spring Break

Spring Break 

April 12th to April 20th

Back to School 04-21-2025!

Welcome Back to School!

First day of School: August 21, 2024

Breakfast @ 7:45am

School starts @ 8:30am

We can't wait to see your smiling faces!


Upcoming Events